Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My dear friends :)
Let's look at the ways to reduce stress:
1. Hack Happiness
    A good mood will not only make you happy, but relieve stress as well.

2. Rose Colored Glasses
    There is nothing unrealistic about having the green glass on your side of the fence. Just look at the bright  side.
3. Control Your Finances

    Since money is one of the biggest stress in today's society, take a look at several ways to control your finances.

* Enrolled into a Money Management course for beginers
* Practice Frugality
* Make More Money, passive income
* Small changes lead to riches

4. Eliminate Fears

    Since being afraid can be stressful, educate & add skill for yourself

5. Expand Being Stress Free

    The Law of Attraction states that what we think about expands. So think stress free & be stress free

6. Don't Be Perfect

    Trying to uphold the image of perfection can be highly stressful. Embrace yourself for what you are, just be outstanding.

7. Establish Successful Habits

    You can find an article on success habits & then learn how to start a new habit.

8. Be on Time

    The pressure of disappointing someone or missing a deadline can be very stressful. So avoid being late.

9. Don't Share

    Since revealing your dreams, goals, and ambitions to the wrong people is a quick way to shut down. Avoid this by not sharing your goals with the wrong people.

10. Just Start

      Having huge task-list & deadline can be very daunting. If you start now, you can get it done.

11. Don't run out of time

      Figure out how you would like to spend the rest of your life & than use the time management techniques to make it happen. (be your own personal motivator)

12. Be Honest

      One of the biggest stress comes from living a life of lies. Stay honest, especially to yourself.

13. Forgive People

      Hating someone or holding a grudge only hurts YOU. So just get over it.

14. Take A Breaks

      Every 45 min or so, stand up, stretch, get some water & take some deep breaths.

15. Don't Do It

      If you are capable, delegate your tasks to an assistant. (Learn how toi get a virtual assistant by reading 'The 4-Hour Work Weak')

16. Bubble Bath

      Take a relaxing bubble bath, with dead-sea mineral salt (from israel). I love stuff like this.

17. Sleep

      Being sleep deprived catches up to you and your whole state of mind is diminished. Be the best you can be by making sure you are well rested.

18. Be Around Stress Free People

      'He who walks with wise man will be wise, but the companion of fools shall be destroyed.' The same principle applies to stress. Be around stress free people & you shall be stress free.

19. Don't Over Plan Leisure

      If you're going to have dinner at a restaurant, don't schedule something for directly afterward. You want to enjoy a slow dinner, instead of rushing through to do the next thing.

20. Relaxing Music

      To relax (or study), I like to listen to Classical or Baruch music. Pick you're favorite & relax.

21. Read

      I find (almost) nothing more enjoyable than to curl up with good book.

22. Tea Time

     Tea is very relaxing, especially with some of the special stress-reducing flavors they have now.

23. Plan for tomorrow today

      This way, when you wake up in the morning, you aren't stressed out about what to do & when you'll have time to do it. It's all planned out.

24. Meditate

      Learn about stress reducing benefits of mediation at the mediation blog or just take Yoga class.

25. Go Caveman

      Let go of technology & schedule some uninterrupted serenity time. (remember Wild Hogs movie?) have it, 25 tricks for stress management & stress reduction. Start now & enjoy the benefits of a healthier, stress free & body.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paul the octopus dies

Paul the octopus, who shot to fame during this year's football world cup in South Africa for his flawless record in predicting game outcomes, has died. Paul body is now in cold storage while the aquarium decides 'how best to mark his passing'...lets not forget Paul contribution to the World Cup 2010  :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tax Comparison

The table below show the comparison of personal tax rate by different country

 now comparing Malaysia tax & Singapore, ignore the currency exchange.



Still 'Rakyat' Malaysia paid high tax. If i live in Singapore the tax rate i pay will be 8.5% , but in Malaysia i have to pay 19%..gosh :(

* Rakyat - People